Monday, February 10, 2014


By the first century A.D., the town of Pompeii was a flourishing resort for Rome’s most distinguished citizens. The town was filled with elegant homes and villas. Tourists, townspeople and slaves bustled in and out of small factories and artisans’ shops, taverns and cafes, and brothels and bathhouses. Pompeii remained mostly untouched until 1748. At that time, a group of explorers looking for ancient artifacts arrived in Campania and began to dig. Underneath all that dust, Pompeii was almost exactly as it had been 2,000 years before. However, Skeletons were frozen right where they’d fallen. This was a tad bit creepy to me! :-/ Fortunately, there's more to Pompeii than a city of bodies. Paintings (frescoes) were the typical wall coverings and they were found in nearly every room of houses.


Modern Applications...

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