Monday, February 24, 2014


This is the period that myself and Desiree' presented on a "Day in the Life". That project alone taught me a lot and proved my conception of the Gothic period wrong. My idea of the Gothic period was this dark period where it was normal for people to walk around in dark clothing because that's what today's "gothic people" look and dress like. However, I did find the daily life to be quite interesting. This period was based on religion and was essentially a continuation of the Romanesque period for a while until it developed it's own characteristics. Also, the things that they were punished for during this period was sickening. They would get brutally punished for hunting animals that the didn't own simply because they were trying to provide a meal for their family. They typically ate bread as their main course along with different meats. The architecture for this period was known for its tall and pointy houses or buildings with flying buttresses. Here's some of my favorites from this period below...

Modern applications..

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