Saturday, April 12, 2014

French Baroque

In France, Louis XIV, also known as the "Sun King," built the government around his own person and used art and architecture in the service of the monarchy. The French monarchs ruled with absolute power, meaning that there was little or no say so on what they could and could not do. The King also ruled, so it was believed, by divine right. The power to rule came from God. In an effort to use art in support of the state, Louis XIV established the Royal Academy of Fine Arts to control matters of art and artistic education by imposing a classic style as well as other regulations and standards on art and artists.

Louis XIV also built an opulent new palace, Versailles, which became the King's official residence in 1682. Versailles is 14 miles southwest of Paris and contains 700 rooms! It is probably impossible to get a sense of the enormity and luxury of Versailles without going there.

I really loved the famous Galerie des Glaces (Hall of Mirrors. Its a room with 17 mirrors facing the windows that look out onto gardens. The ceiling of this room is decorated with paintings displaying the virtues and achievements of Louis himself. Louis XIV eventually invited the higher French aristocrats to live there and wait upon him. And so Versailles was not just a place to live, it became the symbol of the French monarchy itself. Therefore, everything about the decor had to speak of the power and accomplishments of the King. Every aspect of the King's life was thoroughly ritualized, convincing everyone there of the incredible majesty of the King. The thousands of people who lived at Versailles also required entertainment, and so Versailles also became the seat of lavish spectacles including ballets, balls, hunts and receptions, all presided over by the King.



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