Monday, April 21, 2014

English Period

The English Renaissance took place between the late 1500s to the early 1800s. England was the last of the major countries to become involved since they were isolated from continental Europe. After some time, the English style became the "hodgepodge" of styles. Their inspiration stemmed from the Italian Renaissance due to books and works of art that were brought back to England.

The Middle English Renaissance took place between the years of 1660-1750. After the Great Fire of 1666, Sir Christopher Wren set new standards of design considered to be Baroque urban design. Sir Christopher Wren was one of the most celebrated English architects of all time due to his contributions to England. The French Baroque period was extremely influential to the English design. All specifications for housing such as wall thickness, floor heights, and materials was set by Wren.

The St.Peter Cathedral

An influential couple of the English period was Mary and William III. They set all of the furniture standards and trends for this period. During this period was sort of the first time upholstery showed up in the majority of the pieces.


Modern Applications..

Here's a video...


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